career opportunities
MBIOS is not affiliated with any of the institutions or funding providers we have listed here.
Download Malaysia's 2019 Graduates Statistics report
Page last updated 16/08/2020
Below we have listed links to pages which regularly advertise opportunities or to institutions which run annual programmes.
For more regular updates, check out these lists:
Prospective Undergraduates
Application Tips and Scholarships
Internship Opportunities (UK & EU)
*Note that due to COVID-19, some of these schemes and programmes may have been suspended for the current year
Academia-related Opportunities
Research Studentships & Scholarships – Wide list compiled by the Royal Society of Biology, usually for students who have finished their 2nd year of undergraduate study.
John Innes Centre Undergraduate Summer School & Vacation Bursaries
Industry/Consulting Internships
Science Communication Internships
European Medical Writers Internship Forum – for students interested in medical writing
Prospective Postgraduates
General Information
Postgraduate Study in the USA – Information from the Fulbright Commission
PhD Programmes
Note: Do check these links regularly as they may update the information listed for the upcoming academic year. FindaPhD.com is also a great resource but take note of the funding criteria for each project
Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship for Research Student
Medical Research Council Doctoral Training Partnership, Imperial College London
Medical Research Council Discovery Medicine North Doctoral Training Partnership
Natural Environment Research Council, London Doctoral Training Partnership
Natural Environment Research Council, Leeds, York Doctoral Training Partnership
UCL Research Degree Database – all disciplines
Pasteur Paris-University (PPU) international doctoral program
Postgraduate Funding​
Rhode’s Scholarship - for Malaysian students intending to do a postgraduate degree in Oxford University
Levehulme Doctoral Scholarships - for students in UK universities
Taiwan MOE University Scholarships - also available for undergraduates studies
Prospects.ac.uk – Postgraduate course directory. Also has a funding advice section and general advice on postgraduate studies
FindAMasters.com – International database of courses
The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Study and Funding – For PhD, Masters, and PGCE study in the UK through grants from charities, trusts, and foundations. Requires your university to be subscribed to the page to access the list of funding sources
University websites are a great place to start when looking for job/fellowship opportunities in academia​