dr. yvonne Tang wai ying
Laboratory Quality Manager
Sunway Medical Centre
Region of Residence: Kuala Lumpur
Maximum number of mentees: 3
education Background
Phd in Cellular and Molecular Physiology, University of Liverpool;
Masters of Biomedical Science (hons), University of Hull
Post-doctorate at the University of Liverpool (BBSRC Grant);
PhD research at the University of Liverpool (Cancer Research UK Grant);
Supervised master/PhD student at the University of Liverpool;
Laboratory Demonstrator for undergraduates at the University of Liverpool;
I hope to share...
Career advice, previous experience in higher education in the UK (ie. how to survive and maintain optimism in your research career), CV and cover letter advice
I'm looking for mentees that...
I would like to work with potential mentees that are motivated and are also looking for advice on pursuing higher education, career around the field of biomedical science/ life sciences.